Did you know that the health of your gums is closely tied to your overall health? Research has found a close connection between periodontal disease (which is the most destructive form of gum disease) and serious health conditions. Some of these conditions include heart disease, respiratory conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and pregnancy complications. Untreated gum disease can also result in gum tissue recession, tooth loss, and bone loss.
Here at VIP Smiles, Doctors Shad, Richard, and Clive Ingram offer periodontal treatments for periodontal and gum diseases to help you regain a healthy smile and improve your overall well-being. Call our Syracuse dental office today to schedule a consultation and learn more!
Why Gum Disease Is Dangerous
Infection is at the root of periodontal disease. Without proper preventative care and nutritional defense, the gums and supporting structures become vulnerable to bacterial invasion. To survive in the mouth, the invading bacteria produce chemicals that are damaging to human tissues. The infection, in turn, initiates an innate response by the immune system known as inflammation.
Bacteria that invade and infect the gums and periodontium are difficult to reach. The microbes hide deep in the periodontal pocket where the roots of the teeth are situated. Deep in the darkness of the tooth pocket the bacteria thrive, replicate, and find their way into the bloodstream. As the infection is difficult to reach, the inflammatory process is prolonged, becomes detrimental to other systems in the body, and depletes immune system reserves.
Preventing Gum Disease
Preventing gum disease is a matter of taking care of your oral health and practicing plaque control. Plaque is a film that develops naturally on the surface of your teeth that is sticky and can feel fuzzy to the tongue. When you eat or drink, bacteria forms in the plaque. This bacteria can cause gum disease if it is not taken care of.
In order to minimize plaque and protect your teeth, practice regular oral hygiene including brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouthwash and keeping up with regular dental appointments. It is important to go to your dentist, because they will be able to remove any excess plaque from your teeth that you were unable to take care of.
Treatments For Gum Disease
We strive to help you stay in good health by providing high-quality dental care, such periodontal treatments, which can include a number of services used to treat gum disease. Depending on your specific case and the severity of the condition, treatment for gum disease may include:
- Additional professional teeth cleanings
- Improved at-home oral hygiene and care
- Antibiotic treatment
- Deep cleanings, also known as scaling and root planing
Deep cleanings such as scaling and root planing are one of the most targeted treatments for more serious cases of gum disease. The aim of scaling and root planing is to remove bacteria and infected tissues from your teeth and gums, as well as prevent the condition from progressing further. For more serious cases, our dentists may suggest gum surgery. We are committed to helping you keep your smile healthy.
Do You Need Treatment For Gum Disease?
You may be suffering from gum disease if your gums are swollen, red, and in pain. We encourage you to contact our dentists today to schedule a consultation and receive more information on gum disease treatment if you suspect that you or your child are experiencing symptoms of gum disease. We at VIP Smiles are known for our exceptional dental services. For more information about how we can help you improve your oral health, reach out to us in Syracuse, UT today.